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Academics / Extra Support


The support program generates a fully functional system of reinforcement and applied studies. It is divided into two categories; The Associate Teacher Program and The Teachers' Assistant Panel.


The associate teachers are professionals or university students who provide a hands-on approach to each subject. These associates are available to help students reinforce their subject content. They also provide necessary counselling about their related fields for future endeavors.

The Associate Teacher Program aims to broaden the educational paradigm by providing counselling and academic support, which prove to be valuable assets for students in their future endeavors. Teacher Assistants are academically bright students selected by teachers to assist weak learners. These assistants work with students at their allocated time to ensure the community receives the support it needs. The TAs receive stipends for their efforts and contribution from the school, which is acknowledged officially and can help them in university placements.




TAs are manifestations of the ideology of Alpha College. They represent the Alpha mindset, vision, and most importantly, the heart. TAs are expected to maintain full attendance and respectable conduct within the Alpha Community. As members of the Alpha Academics (student society for academics), they are expected to be emphatic leaders who can develop and execute programs for academic headway. The entire TA program is designed and monitored very closely by the program manager to regulate learning outcomes. The TAs receive stipends for their efforts. Their contributions are officially endorsed with appreciation by the college. The extra support program is designed to ensure better time management allowing students time to develop personal, professional, and social skills. We ensure that students get enough support from teachers, associate teachers, and teacher assistants to help the academic stability and development of Alphas.
